Series The DX Pro VI

The flagship series of combined outdoor units DX PRO VI.

Due to the use of cutting-edge solutions, the system is noted for its flexible design and outstanding energy efficiency. Combinable with up to three modules, it can provide the perfect solution for any building.

Series The DX Pro VI
Control/refrigerant DC INVERTER / R410A
Cooling capacity 25.2 – 90 kW (1 module)
Operating temperature range -5~ 54; -25 ~ 24;
Where to buy


  • Integrable with the central management and control system

    Available BMS protocols: Modbus, BACnet, KNX and Lonworks

  • High-performance DC inverter compressor with refrigerant injection (enhanced vapour injection, EVI)

    The DC Inverter enhanced vapour injection compressor improves refrigerant circulation and both the cooling and heating capacity of the system.

  • Advanced rotation algorithms

    The systems use rotation both of outdoor units in com[b]ination and of compressors within a unit. This makes for even wear and tear on subsystems, which significantly extends the total service life.

  • Several prioritization schemes

    A choice of prioritization settings makes for greater freedom and convenience as per customer preferences.

For more information, please contact your local distributor Where to buy